Friday 20 January 2012

itching to work

Arf I am itching to do some work!

Am looking after my bean today so no can do!  Am trying to relax with him but all I can think about is the paragraph I finished on last night (I did some work in bed between half ten and 12) and how jumbled it is and repetitive too.  I need to fix it!  I can't though.  And I am so envious of my friend who texted yesterday to say she can't come and visit me because she has to finish her chapter today!  Oh i wish!  When this chapter is all edited and sparkly I will feel so happy.  I have been cleaning my house this morning like crazy even though it is quite clean enough then realised it is because I feel all itchy about work!

Am supposed to be chilling and having wine with DB tonight but don't think I can until I deserve it, i.e i have finished this chapter, so i shall skip off and get on with it the second DB gets home!  Then I shall relax and have some wine and chats.

I think I shall have to go out and leave work alone.  I want to do some now but bean wil want me to draw a moon or a ha-hoo any minute and when editing and copy and pasting you can't lose your place to draw a ha-hoo!  Bless him.  I love being with him and HATE it when my mind is somewhere else :0(

x J

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