Thursday 19 January 2012


Yesterday was a good day!  Sort of!

I was feeling really blue for some reason...  I think it is because my best mate has moved away (only temporarily tank da laird) so I have no fwiends...  and I am home alone and don't ever leave the house!  And I work at home!  And if my bean is away I am ronrey all on my toddkins. 

So I put the tele on and worked on the settee and did LOADS of reading.  Which obviously is brilliant but bugger me was it annoying because it was one of those reading sessions that kept showing the holes in my thesis rather than filling them!  Bah!  So I finished work feeling very annoyed and worried.  Today I have to revisit my political chapter as in my head it has become a demon, a bastion of incoherence and stupidity when in real likfe I hope it is just unfinished ;0)  I am going to go through it today and try and see if it is indeed coherent, argument-led, and get the intro and concl to marry up to the content.  Then I have a few quotes and ting from my recent reading I need to add.  Then, I hope it should be ok and I will feel much more relaxed and in control.  I am not looking forward to doing this at all but know it has to be done so am glad I have realised this really, instead of it nagging me while I say 'no!  I am reading for the discussion chapter, stop wasting my time!'  It feels like a detour and am bummed because I have no time for this, but then again, it has to be done and I can read any time - editing does need quiet though.

So that is me for now.  Edit, edit edit.  I hope I can read and get the gist of this chapter and that it isn't as much of a mess as I think.

Wish me luck!

x J

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