Tuesday 24 January 2012

Feeling too content

Wah I am too content to work!

I had some cider last night with DB as he had had a good day at work (finally, his work stinks) and as we know I was feeling most pleased!  I don't feel any effects today though, all is well.  I do feel like slobbing about though rather than working hard.  Bad me.

What I shall do is this:

I shall put the tv on in the background so I feel a bit naughty.  I shall re-plan my timeline according to new timeframe.  I shall then start some gentle editing.  I won't make myself sit in a quiet room and work for hours in a row, I shall dither but dither with my work on hand.  Today, I suppose, is about making friends with it again and getting motivated.  And hopefully getting some work done along the way :0)  Today is a day I can be kind to myself ;0)

So that is that.


x J

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