Monday 23 January 2012

It's Ok!

Okay I tell you!

Oh I am so pleased!  I had resigned myself for a sarcastic response saying that I should buck my ideas up and get a spiffing draft in for yesterday.  However, all I got was a 'yup' in response to my question if it was ok to spend longer on it before handing in the first draft so it is good but then only have 5 weeks t'other side to edit for Actual Submission.

I am delighted.  Delighted!  And relieved!  The pressure valve has peeped and I am back to neutral again, and capable of work. 

Also, and what a boon, he would like to cite tasy bit from my last chapter in his new, er, article (don't know what for).  Reading back what he says I wrote I am quite nervous about him putting it 'out there' as it is quite a strong and new contention but I guess I just have to let it happen and hide behind a cushion!  Exciting though!  I can't help but know that he is doing it to help me along in my academic career, giving me a few cred notes to get my ideas out there and pump up my self esteem which makes the fact I don't want to be an academic even more cringy.  I do want to work in academia when this kind of thing happens though, it is such a buzz to be recognised and think someone might read what you have to say (all fifty words!  Fifty! ;0))and I only ever wanted to be a writer.  I have always wanted to be published and by proxy will do for now!  It is weird though, because he has cited me before in a book that was finally published last year and even though the book is really, really very famous seeing my quote and the name in the references felt like only *I* could see it ;0)  Like it would be invisible to anyone else.  It doesn't really exist.

Anyways!  I am skipping round the room in happiness in my head and we all know what this means!  I won't do any work tonight!  But at least it is tonight I am skiving and not tomorrow :0) 

I will have a look at it, might as well while I am waiting to be called up to put my beanio to bed.

Oh I am so pleased!  I tell you why as well, because in a way I feel it is because he is confident I will do good work.  I mean, if I was a total numpty he wouldn't let me hand in so close to the wire would he?  Which makes me want to work even harder.  Oh!  And it means that hopefully the worst will be between now and handing in in April.  That is only 11 weeks!  I might have broken this bugger in 11 weeks!  Wow!

I really want to do well!  I would love it if someone thought in any way at all that I had something of merit and interest to say!  Oh, speaking of which, you know what is happening to me.  A sure sign of PhD insanity: I am starting to think that actually my PhD is really interesting and that the markers will really like it and not be able to help but read it all.  Oh lordy, save me from my self delusion!

So pleased!

x J

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