Tuesday 31 January 2012

Good and bad

Well, the good: the chapter is coming along.  Shouldn't take too long now and I am not scared of it.

The bad:  I am finding it impossible to concentrate :0(  I have got some bad shit going down in my personal life and it is totally consuming me.  Work still feels important, and I know I have to get on with it.  But because I am facing such huge personal challenges it feels too hard right now.  I wish I was the kind of person who could escape into my work but I am more of a runner-awayer and a dweller. 

Sooo, I have done some work today, though not much.  I have two hours now and am really going to try and get over a third of the way through.  I totally did not plan to still be editing this week, it was meant to be done over a week ago and yes, this makes me feel gutted.  But I can't dwell on that, I must just push forward.  I have decided to forgo any 'I will have it done by the end of the day' or 'I must finish!  Like, yesterday!'  thoughts and am going to give myself this week to do this and I will have to take the hit.  Punishment will be severe as I will be then two weeks down on my timetable which really has no room to spare.  BUT at least it will get done that way.  Small steps and all that.

I wish life was simple... or could at least recognise that there is a time for shit, and a time for boats to stay perfectly unrockable until one has time to deal with it ;0)

I am blue but standing firm.  I shall not be fallen!

x J

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