Tuesday 3 January 2012

Chapter finished!

Wheeeee!  All done!  FINALLY.  Well, I need to come back to it tomorrow for a final read-through but yes, am most pleased.  It is not a bad chapter at all and it makes sense and I think it makes my research look worthwhile...  And it is just under 10,000 words.  I shall try and birng this down to 9,500 tops tomorrow.

Hurray!  Am so pleased.  So tomorrow I will read through it then send it to sup and tidy up my notes and I guess I should type up references into endnote which will take hours.  Maybe I should do that in front of the tv tonight.  Then I shall plan my discussion chapter.  I have this week to plan and need to start executing it next week although HOW I have no idea. 

I am just so looking forward to writing about something else.  Sick of looking through my interview transcripts, and my forte is not research (hehe) but other people's ideas really.  I don't like making up my own, just squizzing theirs and saying they're rubbish.

Only five more chapters to do!  Jeeeeez.

x J 

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