Friday 20 January 2012

Grabbing a moment

And so it has come to this.  I am working as DB is bathing the little dude before his bedtime.

i am grabbing moments when I can to work.  I have found it so very hard to switch off from work today as I did last night.  I feel that I have  a lot to do, and not really bad work to do either, just work that has to be done. 

I think I may be at a tipping point now where my nice cosy life with clearly marked lines where i do and don't work has gone :0(  My evenings, weekends, any spare time will be work time, I can feel it.  I have yet to break the 12.30am work barrier but don't feel it is far off!  However, however, this is GOOD because it means i am working and getting closer to finishing!  It will only be for, what, 9 weeks.  The I hand in the first draft and have a good month before the last 2-4 weeks of possible horror before handing in.

If I know nothing but this, let me say that I am happy, so happy, to be in a tired hellish stress state for the next 9 weeks and then have an easy time of it on the other side (post first complete draft) than slack now and have to be staying up late and working all hours in April and May when the deadline is dancing on my nose.

Arfins I did have a wee panic earlier though as DB told me that he has to be at work on Sunday all day.  I had totally planned to work then and got a bit stressed.  Only a bit though, I did rein it in and so I have to work tomorrow.  I wish I could work both days!

Happy weekend comrades!

x J

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