Wednesday 8 October 2008

Cabin Fever

Ach I have been in this house for too long! Too long! I am not going anywhere today though I don't think. Today needs to be a workworkwork day, and then tomorrow I will work in the am, then go out to the gym etc and then come home and do some packing of my room for the afternoon. Then I shall be away until Sunday lunchtime with my family. I am going to be sad not to see them for six months! Eek.

Today I woke up late. I couldn't sleep again. I think I may give in and get some Kalms. I have never taken a sleep aid before but not being able to sleep is driving me insane and making bedtime quite a worry. And I get restless legs quite often when I am stressy and tired but not sleeping - like they need to twitch constantly. Is just awful. I think really I should just go to the gym and work out some of this stress, but with Tamil in the morning, then work to do all day and a house to pack up it just isn't up there in my priorities. And I am not eating much in the daytime either because I am a bit stressy so wouldn't have much energy anyway. DBs a bit cross cause he says I am getting too skinny so gymming isn't necessarily much of a help in that way... I will go tomorrow so I will and have eggs and toast when I get back to fuel up for my afternoon. I kerep forgetting too but I need to wait in for the postie to intercept DBs beeday presents! So I couldn't go till after half one anywho.

Today I have learnt some Tamil and am now at the stage where I am going to learn how to order food and get a bill and stuff. My first proper topic! I have learnt verbs and funny things and vocab and stuff, but this will be super cool and starts to bring it all together. I am getting frustrated with what I think I should know by now and don't , but then I have been learning properly for a week only so should take a chill pill a bit methinks...

So now I am continuing with my pomo reading. I don't think I am going to have this work for my Sup all done and dusted. I don't think I need to really. I know it in my head to talk to him about it which should be sufficient, and am also writing it as I go along (cause my memory is so bad!) but taking time to edit it and get it to be in good enough condition to send would actually take too much time for no reason. Twill be fine.

Better get on...

x J

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