Friday 17 October 2008

Up and down up and down

Wow I am confused! I am very worried and not very clever today! DB came back at about 3am and is lovely to have him around but I think having the house to myself to talk and think out loud helped me to concentrate and not freak out about stuff. Now I am just muttering and perplexed.

I bought our malarone anti-malarials today - £90 for two prescriptions for about two weeks!! WHAT?!! I handed over the cash and my heart plumetted. I am seriously running out of cash and can't bear having to scrimp on DBs beeday. I can't believe it's tomorrow! I can't actually even believe it's Friday, let alone mighty boosh night, let alone a weekend off - away - in Blackpool! Nuts! Can't wait! Am not organised. I think that's because I have spent the morning out and about doing jobs. I am on first names terms with the team at the pharmacy down the road now. I kid you not! AND they know the drill with writing out a little chit for my expenses claims (yes, yes ESRC are paying and I shouldn't complain about being brassic but still I have to fork out first!!) It was funny. They said I must be quite stressed with it all. And the lady in the bank was all excited for us but said 'oooh, you will miss your family?' and I said 'oh yes' and nearly started crying. I will miss them!

I am VERY excited though. Very, very, very.

I am waiting for my dictaphone today! Dictaphone! and my special waterproof, lightweight laptop rucksack! The I shall be totally kitted out for Inja. I will feel like a total idjit using my dictaphone to start with. A bit pretentious like 'oooh! Who's playing researcher then?!!' Hehe. Another PhD initiation eh? In a few weeks time I will be brandishing it about like no-ones business I am sure.

I went to the tip this morning (no, really, I did. Amazing I know, yes, I did) and the tip-man wanted to buy my car!!!! Which is so odd because we are taking it to auction next week because we don't have the time or energy to try and sell it privately. And this random man asks to buy it! Sadly, I am not in charge of the car and had no quote to give him but will get DB to go back. what a coincidence!

I had better start dismantling my table and cleaning up the walls in my office (how did I get coffee everywhere?!! And blu-tac stains...)

We are off at four. I am torturing myself with thoughts about doing the Big One (the massive rollercoaster). I am terrified of dying on rollercoasters and think my harness is never done up and will die. the actual ride itself is always cool, it's just the thought of not being strapped in. Once, on the oblivion ride at Alton Towers (vertical drop, face down) we were cranking our way up (DB made me go on btw - I had been on it before and did not like it) and it stopped. There we were, hovering, and one of the seats wasn't done up. It wasn't being used, but it scared the life out of me. But also made me feel better that the ride would automatically stop if it was broken. Bizarrely I always feel safest on the hanging rollercoaster. I LOVE them. I have no problem with them, I feel very safe. It's the bar accross the knees situ I don't like. Ug.

DB keeps asking if we are going to this place called flamingoland. Hmmm, somewhere camp, brightly coloured, with a zoo and rollercoasters?! So close but yet so far!

x J


Anonymous said...

hi janey
just wanted to let you know that i enjoy reading your blog...i stumbled across it one day when i was phd procrastinating! some entries, i think 'wow sounds just like me!'
i'm a phd student in sydney, australia but am currently spending some time in the uk...
anyhoo, hope you are able to keep the blog going when you're in india.
all the best

Numpty said...

Thanks K!! It means a lot that a) anyone likes it and b) that anyone can identify with it!! Although even to be the person that everyone goes 'wow! I am soooo glad I am not that bad!' wouldn't be a bad thing (for others, not for me :0( !)

Good luck with your course - I hope the UK is looking after you ok - you are very far from home!

x J