Friday 3 October 2008

It's so coooooold!

Arg it's so cold outside! It is so cold inside! I have the heating on and am about to get another jumper to put on. We have a fairly new-build type house but it is owned by cheapskate housing peeps who haven't insulated it. Half an hour after turning the heating off the house is cold again. And I mean *cold*, not just, arf, it's not warm, but when you can feel whisps of cold drafts and have to warm your nose up in your hands. (That could just be me).

I like the weather though. I am getting into hibernation mode and barely leave the house at the moment. I feel like quite a lazy vache so think I will volunteer to go out later and get some wine and some dins instead of DB going out. Quite fancy a trip to the supermarket.

Ah! my eggs are boiling. Better get the toast in.
All done.

I have been learning Tamil all morning and hould know a lot but am at saturation stage and my mind won't retrieve information any more! I will leave it now and spend the weekend revising but not learning anything new. I hate revising, is so boring. I wish I had a good memory. Not a photgraphic one or anything, just a good one will do. This afternoon I am going to read more of that fantastic book... I should go and exercise but think I will skip that and walk to the supermarket instead and not eat any bad food for dins when I am drunk and weak! I shall be strong!

I do need to exercise though. I don't feel stressed as such but last night I couldn't sleep until about half two. I am pretty wired and excitable at the moment so I am going to chill out tonight and drink too much wine and tomorrow lounge around and try to rest my brain! I think I will do some cleaning of the housey for the Evil Estate Agents tomorrow.

Ooh! eggs are done!

Lunch time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

x J

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