Sunday 5 October 2008

What a poifect Sunday!

Today is such a lovely, lovely day. The sun is shining but it is crisp and cold, there is no wind and I have been very, very busy and conscientious!

Yesterday was a lovely lazy day and I did nothing. I read the paper inside and out and read about the Andaman islands, which is a group of tropical islands with India on the west, Thailand on the east and Burma on the north - and where I shall be snorkelling away my 30th beeday. bliss!... We shall be going there during our last week before we fly back which gives me a real goal to complete my work and have a proper exit plan. Plus, it is my beeday of course!

This morning I learnt some Tamil and revised my old notes and then spent a couple of hours in the garage, sorting through all the stuff, throwing boxes and junk away, cleaning and emptying other packing boxes, piling up DBs stuff against one wall for him to go through and collecting together my stuff that I want to keep. Luckily for me it was mostly about piling up DB's stuff. When we moved out of our last house I sorted through all of mine and boy am I grateful now! I needed to go in and do that though so I could organise DB and give him a bit of a leg-up so it isn't all so daunting... and calm my own fears about The Garage. Having exorcised that demon I think the worst part of the moving experience for me personally is actually to be my office. I have to go through all my old bank statements and shred them, pack up all my notes and books and cut-out articles and pens and paperclips and nonsense. And Filing. I shall have to do filing so when I come back my notes make some sense. I shall do that soon... I have to be clever about my time now because this weekend I am going home to see my family and be treated like a queen (for I shall be gone for so long! So long! And when I return I shall be thirty and have missed christmas)! And then the weekend after is DB's beeday - when he shall be the queen (!!) - we are going to go away for the night and get away from the stress and worry... - and the weekend after we will have moved out! Oh. My. Word.

I am doing my best though.

I then had a shower because the garage is not a nice grown-up and clean garage, but a land of arachnids and webs and dead bugs. Arg it was hellish. I scrubbed like a crazy woman. Then I had to tidy up my house and in a min I am going to organise our roast dinner!! See, I am very productive. But on a Sunday it never seems like a total chore but almost is a bit romantic; Sundays are for getting things done and being outside and busy and happy and then being rewarded by a snooze-inducing roast dinner in a clean tidy house and organised, settled mind.

I think I shall do some more cleaning later, maybe the landing area and the stairs. The longer I sit though the more tired out I realise I am!

What shall I do tomorrow? I need to go to the tip with the rubbish I collected and deposited in the car today... then I shall learn Tamil and do work. Tomorrow's moving chores are to cancel direct debits and set up standing orders from the 1 Nov for my payments when I am away. I need to do lots of work until Thursday, when I shall email a two page synopsis of my methodology (as in, theoretical and philosophical influence and research q's and methods) to my Sup and pretty much washed my hands of that part. After I have done this I think I will spend that Thursday afternoon sorting through my office, (that would be a good time to do it seeing as I would have mostly finished the hard part of sorting out the methodology, and won't do a whole load more until I see my Sup on the following Tuesday). Then, on Friday, we are getting our visas!

That sounds like a plan! I think actually I will fill out our visa forms now and get that done for Friday and off my mind. Seeing as I am at a bit of a loose end for an hour or so.


x J

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