Monday 13 October 2008

Excited, scared, worried. Usual Monday then.

We are flying out two weeks tomorrow! I am reaching and passing moving-out milestones with terrifying speed. We have reached and passed the visa date... the last supper with the folks... I am meeting my Sup for the last time tomorrow and saying bye to my Uni friends... I am cancelling my direct debits today... We are getting storage today too so we can start packing-up and shipping out. No evening will be mine again. Arg.

My head is in a bit of a flummox today. This blog will see me right by the end of it though.

I have had a brainwave for DB's beeday... We are going to see the the Mighty Boosh in Blackpool the night before, and stay over for that night and the sat night (his actual beeday) we will hang around being scared and awed by the bizarre mystery that is the land of Blackpool. We haven't been before and I don't like English seaside stuff really but think actually it will be fun - and a WORLD away from packing, and India and work and stress. It is a busy ol' place so think it will actually be really cool. And DB would wet himself at seeing the mighty boosh. I am perusing ticket master and ebay and should have some tix by the end of the day. Also, because there is so much accomodation the prices are fairly competitve so I can get two nights B and B for the price of one nice hotel night in York (original plan). Hurray!

Ah, my skin has been a mess recently (dry and stressy and poisoned by that Ultra glow rubbish which is just evil actually) and my ma is a beauty person so knows what is what and bought me some Karin Herzog gubbins for my face and eyes... My face is just scrumptious and moisturised and yummy. Truly, some products are so worth the money. Or my ma's anyway... (Just thought I would say because I do keep being sidetracked by needing to feel my cheek. I am in lust with my own cheek!)

Ok ok, today. Focus.

I am staying indoors today. I am only able to do this so much because of India and moving. But next year when I am back I am going to become much more part of the Uni faculty and do GTA work (possibly even for free for my Sup's class if he fancies) and see my friends much more and get maybe two evening hobbies. I am going to be OUT! But back to today... (I think we can see already how low my concentration levels are to be today) I am going to go through my old Tamil notes. I don't know if I will be able to learn new stuff today but will work on that until about 11. Then I shall start reading a textbook about the practical considerations of doing research methinks. Or actually, I will go through my uni notes from my MRes lectures and then start reading larger, longer chapters. I need a gist for now so I can pretend to know what I am about in TN. I do wonder how much I could possibly know now. I am normally one to organise and plan to death but maybe I am maturing in this work and realising that sometimes too much planning and organising is a *bad* thing. I can organise a lot when I am there. I just have to have notes with me to refer to re: protocol, or to make me feel better if I think I am doing it wrong. Otherwise maybe a gist is good, and when there I can go with the flow... Advice gratefully accepted!!

So that's my day. Oh, I will cancel my gym membership and lovefilm too. I would have done this but for my stupid fear of the phone. Why, and where did this come from?! What stupidity is this when a phone is worrying?! Lordy.

I think DB is going to cornwall on Weds. This will be ace and will get each other out of our respective hair until his beeday. I can pack and chat to myself and not get on his nerves. He can see his friends and get stressy issues off his chest without me feeling like he is making me nervous about whether he will be ready for Inja or not. So it is a grand plan. I just wish he could go for longer!

Ah! I ordered some handmade jewellery for my friend's 30th off the internet and it arrived and it is gorgeous. Just gorgeous. And the lady was lovely - is Lisa's Handmade Jewellery if anyone, you know, needs some handmade jewellery. As you do.

I feel sad I am going to be away for chrimbly. I am too old probably for such homesickness.

Right! Onwards to the Tamil!

x J

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