Wednesday 24 June 2009

All sorted

I managed to sit down last night and sort out my concerns about the work and the time I have.

I have organised how many reports I think I should read at the maximum and this is about 10. I have to remember that reports are there to evidence my argument, to show that I haven't made my thesis up. So I don't need a gazillion of references for every point, just a couple to show that it is a general trend of thought. These reports are huge so I am glad I have narrowed it down and become focused, this means I don't feel that I am staring down a black hole of report after report ad infinitum.

I also decided that in total I probably looking at about 40 sources for this paper, which will probably turn out to be more but that is my outline for now. This is very achievable. I have to also remember that papers/journal articles are always very concise, they have a focus and they hone in that focus very quickly - not like chapters for a PhD. And presentations are even more spartan, you really need to sort out the wheat from the chaff for presentations. So I am looking at being focussed rather than feeling that I have a world of literature in front of me to wade through, and only five weeks to do it!

So pleased and feel a lot more in control.

So, I have ten reports to read and I have less than three working weeks to do it: 15 days. Better get to it!

x J

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