Monday 22 June 2009

Monday, New week new chapter...

Arg Monday! New chapter!

So hard to get my head into wanting to sit and research and write another entire chapter! Starting a new one really makes you realise how much you knew about the previous one... and how little you know about this one...

Today is a slow, organising day. I am being nice to myself. I have to go out and post my wee bro's beeday pressie later and get some passport pics taken for my visa... I tried yesterday but failed miserably! A walk would be nice - am not into this chapter enough to be able to sit in the room all day thinking about it!

I think I will fill out our visa forms too. Fiddly but time consuming and a nagging chore I have to do.

I need to round up all the plans I have for this chapter and work out its focus and point in the PhD, (the ideas are quite new, based on very recent reports) and then work out what info I have so far as goes reports etc, saved on my comp, and start a reading list.

Then I think I shall work out a plan. I have three weeks before we go to India to concentrate fully on this - I can get a *lot* of reading done by then, at least the gist and know whether it is a line of attack worth pursuing (is really very critical and quite aggressive!). When I come back from India I will have 4 weeks to finish it and get my first draft to my Sup. The paper needs to be handed in on the 15 Sept. Arg. This is not long enough! Who wants to bet that I end up taking a lot of reading to India?!

I had a lovely weekend and am in a good mood to work, but also a bit startled that it is Monday already! Father's Day was fab, as expected DB had not remotely considered it had anything to do with him so was sooooooo happy with his card and pressie from Beanie! Yesterday I had a mini-fit about the size of my thighs and belly - the latter of which is all natural baby, but the former is *not* but DB totally chilled me out and on Thursday we are off for a jaunt into the City for some shopping and a wee outfit for out littl'un as we go into the second trimester... On the whole I am happy with my changing shape for Bean but sometimes I just forget or something and freak out about how much weight I am putting on (er, any - is about a lb a *week* in the second trimester! My word)) or how my clothes just don't fit any more. Pyschologically this is a bit of a battle sometimes because for the last two years I have lost two stone and got to my perfect weight - then got pregnant and will put it all back on! Hehe. An interesting thing about pregnancy that people don't tell you is that it is not just your tummy that changes shape, but your ribcage expands so you can't have a petite size 8 top any more, you put fat down on your arse *automatically*, and usually on your thighs too as a lovely food store for the Bean should they need it (they won't, not with all the ice cream I am cramming in!!! I know, but I can't help it!). I forget about this and with all the lovely pregnant models in my face (I know! All skinny with lovely neat and proportional boobs and bumps - no cellulite or big bums on they!) I think I am a right lardy wench! Not on. I shall ignore and get in shape next year aye. Phew! And I am off exercising because I don't think bean likes it much. Makes me feel ill and hurts! Shouldn't hurt.

Tomorrow we have to go to the local hospital to see the consultant, I think it is to do with my sister's Lupus which, if I have it, could make the pregnancy very high risk. I am confident I don't though so am sure they are making us go in for 9am and drive through the rush hour for a blood sample. If they check Beanie though it would be fab.

WORK!!!!! And on with chapter number 4 and my first paper for a conference... Only one of the biggest IR conferences in the world. No pressure then.

x J

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