Tuesday 16 June 2009

Plugging away

Well, I am but I have also been skiving on various other sites on the internet. But I have been busy and am still working!

Today I have:
* Emailed my RA, made and sent him an expenses form and time sheet.
* Bought DB the Wire series 5 and a card for Fathers Day (!! ooooooh I can't wait to see his face!)
* Found a pressie for my Bro - probably some kind of driving experience in a fast car. He will love it.
* Sorted out my expenses claim for my flight to India which I am sure will be rejected but will try anyway. This will give me some money to give Kuna when he does some work.
* Realised how I thought I was going to fund my second trip to India won't work. Eek.
* Put a deadline on sorting visas for next week.
* Got some funds together to get passport pics for cheap pool trips (over 50% off, hurray!) and visa. Will actually start exercising next week...
* Been jiggling around my theory part of the chapter. Again.

So although it isn't all 'work' it is all stuff that is finally out of my head and done so I can concentrate a bit better. I have tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday am to finish this chapter which is aaaaages, then Friday avo I will put this away and start the next one - and have a lovely weekend!! What a relief it will be to have this out of the way!!

Better go back to the work and finish the jiggling. Then it's an M and S cottage pie for dinner (this is how lazy I am these days), no veg because I have decided I hate making it (though might eat it if it was on my plate) and cookies for pud. Scrum.

x J

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