Thursday 18 June 2009

Getting there...

I went to sleep and woke up in such a bad mood that I decided it was time to get to grips with this work for once and for all!

Honestly, not getting on with it just made me a right grumpy cow yesterday and this morning, so I got up quite early and left my comp far, far away and have spent the day reading and thinking. And am nearly there, just need to sort of plan it all, consolidate the info in my head, and then write it out. I will finish it tomorrow even if it means I write in note form and leave clues for my poor future self. The thought of trying to come back to this when I know it so much better now than I will then, when I could spend unnecessary revising time being with Beanie definitely makes me want to be more thorough than I would be otherwise. I want to be able to put this work to bed for the day really now, I am *sick* of it!

Beanie is making me strange today too - am averse to eating and drinking nearly everything! Even bread or water! Rubbish. Apricot jam though.... oooooooh.

DB is out playing tennis tonight. I forgot about this but am so pleased! I am rubbish company and just fancy eating chips and watching tele, splayed out on the settee ~ DB normally works on it so it's out of bounds. Not tonight, Sir!

I tell you, I cannot *wait* to never have to mention this chapter again. Onwards and upwards!!

x J

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