Tuesday 2 June 2009


My meet with Sup was excellent!

He had no criticisms, said that my interview questions were really good (!! phew!) and we just ironed things out and made my rather slack english and turns of phrase more 'academic' and talked about my RA and what he can/can't do and about all sorts and all is well! I have to write up the theory part rather well, but then it is DONE! Until I come back from baba that is... He said it is all done as far as he can see, I just need to write out the ethics and the methods but that can wait as you don't need a brain to do that, I have done all the hard work anyway.

Hurray! And I bumped into my associate supervisor in the corridor who I have also known since I was about 25 and a wee MA virgin and he gave me a big hug!! Ahhh! Like lovely uncles them two.

Am off to the pub for the afternoon! Just like the old times, except this time there is anbother little us in the making with us for the ride. Bless.

Am so pleased! you can be pregnant and do a PhD after all.

x J

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