Thursday 11 June 2009

Hahahahhahahahaaaaa!! I worked!

Yes, I worked! I proved myself right! I am not a giant, uncaring, skiving loser, but in fact was just bored and in a rut.

I took a day and a half off, away away away and Magic! Today I cared again, and worked and it came together and WOW I am relieved and pleased.

AND my brain threatened to die after my (fairly standard these days) luncheon of beans on toast. DB was telling me about how angry he was that some anti-facist party had thrown eggs at Nick Griffin (evil incarnate, BNP leader in the UK) and therefore given reason for lots of people to ring into the daytime tv shows he 'works' in front of (really, he does, it's a miracle but the bills are paid so am not complaining!) and say it was unfair that the BNP's democratic right to free speech was taken away. I was on the side of the egg throwers but DB was sure that they should have taken a more intellectual route. I was trying to argue something but lost it, and so did DB thinking that I just didn't care when in fact I was trying to remember anything at all, let alone form an opinion and then voice it. Articulately. Well, anyway, I came back up and wondered if that was going to be me for the day but no, I managed to soldier on! I had lots of 'juggling' work to do as well, cutting and pasting from my chapter and moving sentences all around and changing the general layout and making much more lovely-sounding academic sentences. And it worked! It is now all ready for me to come and just write out my reasons why I am using so-and-so theory and then it will be done (for now). This will take me a couple of days of bla-bla type working, which is all I am going to be doing in Cornwall. And it is 6pm and I have decided to stop, though could carry on, though is a good place to stop and not a good place to carry on, so stopping I am. Breaks are good. Don't want to peak too soon.

And I am starving.

And yes, we are off to Cornwall tomorrow. I am going too, lured by the promise of a bbq on Saturday, pasties, and a trip to the beach, and also happy to have read numerous times today that I am allowed to start looking at my big ol' belly and think of it as 'baby' rather than 'fat' as I am allowed to think I am starting to show. Wooo! So confidence restored, I am going south for a holiday. Though I will take my work with as I really am keen to come home and pack all this paper away (for over a year!) and start reading about my next chapter - and paper for September and read something interesting and (hopefully, according to my grand hypothesis which still has time to fall flat on its arse) scandalous.

Have to go and make some kind of sandwich with the luscious white bread we have in. Am dying for some apricot jam but not got any yet and am too scared of the wind outside to get any.

x J

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