Friday 19 June 2009

End of Day

Well, I am stopping now. This chapter is pretty much done; well, not done but I am pretty sure it is in a fit state to return to.

I definitely feel that without actually completing it with dotted i's and crossed t's there is not much more I can/need to do. There are some bits I haven't written out completely clearly but that's mainly because I am not entirely sure what I want to do with it for now. It isn't written brilliantly either. I am tired now and forgetting the very simple point - always a sign that it is time to leave it for a bit. I can always revisit it in a month or so and tinker with it (not that I will - out of sight out of mind!). The main thing is that I have spent most of today writing short, easy sentences and, mainly, editing and making sentences perfect which really isn;t the point - so I must have finished or why I am doing that?! I can't think of anything urgent to do now. I have great planning notes and brainstorms that make it really clear the ideas and point of it all for when I come back to it... I am bizarrely and unexpectedly unable to 'finish' it in the clean way I anticipated and so feel that I am sloping off early... Is like doing fieldwork and feeling that you can't leave now, you're only just getting going! But I suppose that is the point a bit, I want to come back to it and hit the ground running.

I think I will go for a walk and get some air and stretch these limbs, I haven't actually left the house since Monday!!! (Really, I haven't - not even to get milk!! Have been sleeping, working, bathing and watching tele... How life will change come January...) Then I will come back and tidy away the mass of notes I have for this chapter and start organising reading for the next, and maybe do a time-plan (that I will never keep to).

I have very little time for this next chapter! Am not even completely sure if it is really relevant for the rest of the PhD or is just me being a pain and making more work for myself?! Well, whatever I have a conference to prepare for so the reading shall be done regardless!

Chapter stats:
* Is my third chapter written, out of a possible 8.
* 4000 words down with another 2/3000 of padding and functional bits like ethics and clear explanation of methods used (when research done) to add.
* Writing took one month, with a lot of faffing
* Reading and preparing took two months, with a lot of faffing and holidays (30th Beeday, engagement, pregnancy...)

*So* happy to have a new focus. My mind is starting to resemble a tin of old, broken biscuits - all musty and soft and crumbly.

Have lovely weekends!

x J

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