Tuesday 27 December 2011

Back! Thank goodness!

I am back to work this morning!  hurrah!

I have been a right christmas grump just waiting to get back to it really.  I left it at a good place on, er, whenever it was, and am keen to carry on with it.  My aim (the complete and utter-it-has-to-happenness actually) is to get this finished for Friday, then spend fri pm and sat am sorting out this, and the other chapters so they fit together... send them to sup... and then I would have nearly half of the PhD done proper-like.  Then I shall get drunk and celebrate NYE in a good mood, rather than one of doom ;0)

Hope you all had nice christmases.  Mine was nice but most strange.  We sat in silence a lot until DB made mother in law put the tele on so we could at least hear some xmas tunes, opened presents really, really slowly (making MIL frustrated bless her) and then had our vegetarian buffet lunch...  and then MIL said we didn't have crackers because no one ever wanted what was in the middle apart from her so they were pointless.  We pointed out the fact that they were tradition and meant to be silly, which overcomes functionality in this case but she then said they were generally rubbish.  So no crackers!  hehe!  I nearly cried a little bit, then nearly laughed but settled for staring into the middle distance while pushing more pakoras and thai vegetable bites into my gob.

TODAY I am HOME!  And I am working until about 1pmish, or until I feel I have got a  handle on me work as DB is also home and looking after little bubs.  Then I am making a roast dinner, with all the chrimbo trimmings!  devils on horseback!  YUM.  Sprouts with chestnuts and bacon!  YUM!  ANNNNNNNNNDDDDDD *crackers* :0) 

Anyway, back to the essay.

laters y'all and happy chrimbletide/other religious festivals ja

x J

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