Wednesday 7 December 2011

Deep breath and dive

Righty then.  I am back after a massively long haitus!  I stopped work on Thursday and haven't looked at it since :0(

I couldn't work over the weekend because I was being hugely drunk with my lovely ladies in London and couldn't work Monday night because I was still hungover, and couldn't work yesterday because my childminder had to cancel.  Although she has said she will look after bean on Friday instead for me so I shall work fri which is just dandy.

I have to finish the second empirical chapter this week.  Problems are that I am so very tired that I am dizzy (wtf?!) although really I don't know why I am so tired and so am ignoring it; and that I haven't done any work for so long I am, again, terrified of it, horribly overwhelmed and daunted.

Today I plan to have sorted the intro to this chapter and to be writing away.  That is that really!  Just get it done.  Don't think too much about it.  Better to hand in something that is a bit shit than not have written at all because I am trying to be perfect about it all. 

I just cannot wait until this is all over :0)  I was thinking about trying to wag an extension somehow, just a couple of months. And then I thought how gutting it would be to still be doing this in june and july when I should be sat around being all pregnant and chuffed with myself and excited about my new life where my brain is all mushy and full of fiction novels...  FICTION!  About how I will hate every word I have to write when I should be sunning myself on my celebration holiday!  I have June in my head so firmly as my deadline that, really, that is that... is THAT.  I would be extending it only so I could have an easier time of it now, but still in Jan I will be stressy and in Feb I shall be back where I am now.  The only reason I am working so hard now is because I am under so much pressure - take the pressure off and the work will slow down. 

There is a phrase isn't there that goes something like 'A PhD takes as long as the time you have to do it.'  I have five and a half months.  End of.

Wish me luck!

x J

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