Saturday 10 December 2011

I just don't know...

what to doooo, with myself...

My boys have left me!  They are en route to Down South for the weekend, back on Monday night.  My house feels gloomier, colder, stiller...  I have never been at home in the evening alone since bean was born!  I have never gone to bed alone!  I have never gone to bed alone and sober for sure and not ever at home.  It will be most strange.  I wonder if I will be able to sleep...

But of course, I do know what to do with myself...  I have to work!

I am so sad at the moment because I miss my darling boy.  I don't know what my plan of action should be.  Chill time is scheduled for 8pm when the X Factor final is on.  I was planning to write up my references in front of it.  But now I am not so sure and wonder if I mightn't just zombie out in front of it and enjoy a moment of quiet instead of stewing in it.  Workwise I am completely aware that I have to work now for a couple of hours.  However, I am also aware that I am shattered today (terrible nights sleep as I was dreading today, bean was up lots and had bad dreams), feeling reet sorry for myself and really down in the dumps.  I don't know whether, in the longer term, it might be an idea to just sit out this couple of hours and draw a line under today and come to it tomorrow fresh and strong and madferit.  I have the whole of tomorrow and all of Monday.  I plan to work from 9.30/10am until 6.30 with a break for a swim with mah mate (and to see a person!)  I need stamina!  I was going mental after just four hours of work yesterday!  I have been scared of work all day today, like an audition or interview or something!  I was scared of it all night!  how silly to be so scared of soemthing I have set up myself.  I work for myself for goodness sake!  At my own pace, in my own environment!  I should take a chill pill and not be so frightened of it.  I am completely terrified of not completing this chapter by Monday night.  But it will be ok.  I will get it done.

I also have to admit, and this is ridiculous, but I feel really blue since I read on facebook that my mate (my MATE) has just completed chapter six of nine...  and I am working on chapter four!  Of nine!  And we are handing in at the same time!  Well, actually, I think she is handing in a month earlier than me but she doesn't have to hand in then, she can get an extension as she wasn't funded.  So I guess in a month's time I will be finishing chapter six of nine.  No, actually, chapter 7.  So, I guess, it is ok.  I think I am saddened because before I had Bean I was always far out in front writing-wise and it just shows how far I have slipped.  But I am also saddened by my reaction because it is clearly jealousy (or, more kindly, envy?) that I am not as far ahead as she is.  I am delighted for her but also miffed with myself that I haven't done more I suppose.  And here I am wanting the night off!  What a contradictory fool!  I think it just knocked me and has made me realise that my peers are so far in front (another is nearly completing) and I am scared I might not catch up!  But I suppose the point is not catching up with them, just meeting my own deadlines.  Why do i have to be so competitive?!  jeez louise.

Anyway, I am off to read my chapter and try and do a bit of work if I can.  (I can't, I am all of a dither).  But I will try at least.  And tomorrow is a new day.  I shall arise, I shall work, work, work all refreshed from having today off and hopefully appreciative of the silence rather than drowing in it.  For want of a bit more of a dramatic turn of phrase ;0)

x J

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