Thursday 29 December 2011


Woo!  9,000 words done!  Needs serious editing and tidying and tightening but the words are there!  the structure is there!  The arguments are there!


I am working a bit tomorrow and saturday this shall be DONE! 

Am really excited and a bit gutted I have to finish now to look after Bean but then again it would be good to come back to it with fresh eyes.

Nearly there!  Then I would have done four proper chapters and written 37,000 proper words :0)  nearly halfway...

x J


Andy said...

Stumbled upon your blog. I'm working towards an MRes (Comp Sci/ p/t) and have 12 months to string 35,000 words together in some meaningful order. I can relate to your ongoing mental battles to keep the thing moving forward and will visit again to be inspired by your progress!

Numpty said...

Hey Andy!
Good luck! Hopefully you will enjoy it; I did an MRes and it was very pleasant. My dissertation only took 10 weeks to research and write! that was only 20,000 words though. 35,000 words is long for a masters thesis - are you doing it in the UK or elsewhere?
Keep on slogging!
x J