Tuesday 13 December 2011

Much better :0)

Noooo, not workwise!

I have done NO work today, but I haven't tried to yet so don't feel bad... 

DB and Bean got home at 2.30am, so I put little Bean to bed straight away but he needed settling so we were shattered at 7.30 this morning.  Rang the childminder to say we wouldn't be in till 11.30 and went back to sleep ;0)  Dropped him off and since then I have been online doing food and pressie shopping.  It's Bean's birthday on Thursday and I have to make him his cake tomorrow but have no time to go to the shops...  also realised that my homemade gifts need organising - I am making body scrubs, curry pastes and biccies for peeps this year as well as buying rubbish ;0)  BUT I can't just 'get' them, I need to ordr in the ingredients first!  I was planning to head into town (by town, I mean place full of bookies, Asda and cut-price shoe shops) on Friday to get the gubbins but that is leaving it pretty late, especially for the birthday cake and anyway, we have no food in and NO time to shopping.  SO thought I would kill a gazillion birds in one fell swoop and did a nice online shop that will arrive tomorrow morning.

My hand are so cold it is hard to type.  My house is freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing.   am going to make a cup of coffee and put the heating on (shhh don't tell anyone). 

Soooo I have an hour.  I shall make my cup of coffee and ponder my next move.  Bean will be up late tonight as he has been with the granparents for the past few nights who don't like to reinforce bedtime.  Playtime at 12am is waaaaaay more fun. (*tut*)  So I won't be able to work tonight, but will tomorrow night, after the Bean's cake is baked and decorations done and pressies wrapped :0)  And thursday I am off!  Shit!  I totally forgot!  oh lordy, this blows any chance of meeting the deadline out of the water.  Sheeeet. 

Oh well, at least I have practically got all my christmas pressies, one less stress!  And I am waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay happier now my family are home!

x J

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