Wednesday 21 December 2011

Work Schmurk

Arg I am hating working today ;0)

Mainly because I just want it to write itself.  Because I am sooooo bored of this chapter and am confused by it.  I don't think I have enough empirical evidence to make this chapter work so I feel i am clutching at straws that are so obvious the viva will kick me into the stratosphere.  But what can i do?  I can't nip back to India and ask the questions again, and even if I could I would get the same answers.  Cagey/uncomprehending was the name of the game really.  Arf if only I had had longer than three weeks to do my interviews - if I could have got to know my interviewees like I wanted to then my responses would have been sooooo much better.  But I was preggers, what can you do?!  I shall work with what I have got it will be fine.  And I want to be all christmassy :0(

BUT, I have written 5,400 words and don't feel like I have really said anything yet so obviously once I *have*, and edited it, it should be tighter ja?  I think I am so keen to get it all written and concise and structured that I am getting bogged down.  I shall concentrate on just getting the outline done today, and tighten it up tomorrow ;0)  That is much less stressful than thinking 'I have to get this chapter done before christmas and that only leaves me today and tomorrow aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrggggggggggg!' 

Ok, perspective gained.  Calm.  No biggie.

I am also stressy because my stressiness is affecting my Bean - he is playing up and I know this is because my mind is elsewhere.  When I would normally be playing with him I am making my xmas pressies, and when I am playing with him I am clearly not very enthusiastic.  Playing 'don't fall!' with glee (where he dandles on my leg and wobbles about until he falls onto the settee...) when you are grumpy and worried about getting xmas together and finishing a PhD is really hard.  I am also stressy because I am yet to finish shopping for DB's xmas pressies, which I will have to do on Friday before wrapping and packing to go to the South - all with Bean in tow being bored, whiny and grumpy.  Arg I do not look forward to it!  Plus, I keep feeling nauseous which is a surefire sign that I am stressed (I always feel sick when stuff is getting on top of me but I am trying to ignore it to, you know, get on with life like we all do).  Bums to it.

Anyway!  On with something I can deal with now, and that is this chapter.  So, today I am writing a rough outline for it.  I have re-organised my intro better and just hope it works. 

I just cannot be arsed to concentrate! I wanna do christmas stuff!

x J

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