Wednesday 13 May 2009

'B' Day

No, not as in birthday but Beanie Day! Off at two for the scan... is such a weird thing to do. I was so sure I would never be lucky enough to get pregnant and still feel that way, so later is going to be a very surreal experience. Until we see beanie I am going to feel like a bit of a psycho mum wannabe who's deluded conviction has gone one step too far...

Anyway! Work! I have done some! Worked from about 8.45-10.30. Skim read several books and then made some lunch and am now skiiving and drinking tea. Will head back to my desk in a min and work until 2pm. Then I am off for the day - whatever happens coming back and reading Foucault is not going to be on my mind!

I have a sore throat :0( And it is not getting better as the day goes on. I was going to go for a run today but with traipsing around town yesterday with my massive bag of books and a jog the day before maybe I should just take it easy today. ;D

x J

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