Wednesday 27 May 2009


I have found my new mecca - the sweet shop.

I never eat sweets normally but just had to go and get some refresher bars (haven't had them since school) and was then sidetracked by swizzle lollies and chocolate eclairs - the caramel things, not the baked goods! So have been sat scoffing them while doing my work, which I also do not tolerate. Eating and working = FAT!! But anything to keep me here working and not daydreaming about Bean is to be encouraged atm.

My work is going ok. It is painfully slow, getting each sentence just right and realising that I know no vocab or phrasing any more. I am no way going to get this finished for Sunday which is the latest I can get it in, but I can get a thorough intro down and most of the important stuff so Sup has a good idea of where I am going. I want it so he knows what the chapter will be about, and then we can discuss it and it is just a case of me spending a week filling in the gaps then putting it to bed for the next year. :0)

I realised yesterday too that I can easily get out of going to India if I want to, I just need to claim pregnancy and consequent fears, e.g. malaria risks, heatstroke, illness etc. And realising this, and being so close to being able to call it off, made me realise that actually going won't be so bad, and may actually be good. I have to go and get the results for the research, and I want to try and do some interviews, I want to see the aid camps, and I would really like some noodles and lassi's and to see Site One again and be part of all the friendly craziness. So maybe it will be cool. I am going, and that is that. Anyway, Bean might love India! And DB said we can have a room with air con if necessary (I think so this time, though normally would abhor it on account of not being a very 'authentic' fieldwork experience) and even a fridge to keep things nice and cold so I can calm my horrible swellings and heat freaky-outness. And I can lie in the pool every so often. It will be FINE. GOOD even.

And that is how I overcame my fieldwork phobia.

Still more work to do. Am concentrating on sorting out my intro so I can just filln in the relevant gaps over the next few days and send off on Sunday. As I said, it won't be finished but it will be definitely almost there.

Scan tomorrow! Wish me luck! ;0S

x J

Ps. Think I ate too much sugar. Feel sick and exhausted. Oops!

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