Monday 4 May 2009

Better 'fess up

I have done no reading :0( I am being a complete slack-bum and have done nossing.

I did the drawers for our bedroom which now actually looks like a room and is quite lovely, despite the first real morning sickness kicking in! Exciting, but horrible. Anyway, took me ages. Then I made smoothies, had a bath, and then finally came to work and have been looking up the books I need to get tomorrow to do more reading with... And I have done no more than that. Oh, I found some very important papers I will need to read in the next chapter. But, I have no intention of doing more than this. Fact is that even if I start I won't finish anything now today - it is too late and my mind is happily elsewhere (in bank holiday tv and lovely new sitting-room with lovely throw and dim lighting and cosy-ness-land). I am also very tired, which is no excuse I know but does mean that it will all take longer than if I was feeling grand. So, for today, no reading - even though I know this will come and bite me on the arse later in the week when I am stressing about the deadline... but I shall take the risk.

Generally things are progressing though.

Dreading this chat with this random guy tomorrow. UG. I hate the way my sup is always making me 'reach out' to others in the academic community. I am a hermit! Leave me to be a hermit goddamn!

x J

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