Thursday 7 May 2009

Demon working I tell thee

I have done so much work today! Finished for the day now because I realised the final book I was reading was actually likely to be useful and so should come back tomorrow when not so tired. Each sentence was taking about 5 minutes to compute!

Am in a much better mood - I had a bath and did more work after I posted earlier. Got through four texts today and am on the fifth. Brilliant! And I have finished with the Author of Vileness - she can't communicate her ideas at ALL, is impossible to read and even worse, her ideas are ridiculous. But she is a leading author in her field so I have to read it just to dismiss it/explain to Viva person why I didn't use her ideas etc. So glad that horror is over!

Generally I really hope to have 'finished' (is it ever finished?!) the theoretical side of my work by the end of Thursday. I hope to finish the texts I have now by Tuesday, then go to Uni and change them for a couple more I have to read for a balanced, rounded idea, then by next Fri I hope to be planning and writing this section in time to get more books the following Tues on doing fieldwork in developing countries, and methods... So I can start to see a plan unfolding and light at the end of the tunnel!

I always knew that this chapter was going to be hard. I hate methodology. And also, I really look forward to going back to my actual PhD work! Reading reports and about the world and International Relations! This is sooooooo doing my head in now! I am so glad I worked so hard today, I think subconsciously I was reaching the end of my tether with the work and just had to get a move on with it. Tomorrow I really hope to carry on, though not so frantically seeing as I have found a book that actually seems relatively informative.

So thats me for today. Am going to veg in front of the tele and try desperately to halt my intense desire for sausages. Preferably a battered one from a chip shop (I know it's disgusting, not normally on my menu I have to say. And I had sausages last night for dins!). Instead I shall have a more nutritious prawn baguette and oven chips.

Lordy I want some sausages.

x J

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