Friday 8 May 2009


Ahhhh am so so happy it's Friday!

Such a good sign that I am happy to be able to leave my desk for a bit - no, relieved to be able to leave my desk, and my books and arg, everything! No work tomorrow hurray hurray! I have worked hard again today. Didn't get through as much as hoped but that is because the book I am reading now has some pretty good ideas in it so need to note them, internalise them and then I can move on...

Waiting for my chinese take away now! Yes, I am still managing to resist the sausage. Am actually quite interested in how long the sausage-lust will last.

And DB and I, too impatient for the NHS Italicto sort it out, have booked us all in for a private scan on Weds to see baba, work out how old she is, and get a due date! So excited and a bit nervous - what if I am making it all up?!!! What if there is nothing there?! Eek! DB said that that wasn't true and that we were making a little family and I burst into tears - which is probably as much proof that I am up the duff as any pregnancy test these days.

Soooo, I am off for the next couple of days, going to bake my wee baba-cake and eat a bit of rubbish (man I have eaten well this week, fruits, veggies, pulses you name it!) and read the paper - and go for a swim methinks. My first preggers swim. Ahhhh.

Oooh knowing how old tacker is will also help my plan when on earth I am going to go to India! That will be a relief, starting to make plans to go will actually be a good thing - the not knowing is a pain! Will it be in one month or two months? Who knows! Ug. It really is strange, I have been so vehemently anti-India, even right up until last night when I was really wracking my brains about how not to go. And today I am actually almost looking forward to it. I think I *want* to go! I like it there (!! I know, so weird) and it will be hot so can sunbathe and walk on the beach... and eat omlette and chips every day and drink pineapple juice... Thinking of the holiday aspect makes it much better. And I forgot that some of the work will be away from the voluntary org I am with (don't like working with them much, is a bit intimidating) and will be on my own, talking to restaurant owners and hotel workers and beach hawkers about their experiences. And cycling and seeing camps and maybe talking to villagers in the camps about their life. Maybe a trip down the coast again to site # 2 and seeing the tsunami houses as they are now. Yes. It could all be quite good. ;0)

Happy weekends all!

x J

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