Friday 15 May 2009

Friday!!! Yay! But... ??

Is so weird it is Friday! Great, cause I have tomorrow off; but am not ready!

Ug I have to change my trousers. I bought these online and they are ankle snappers and the breeze is doing my head in. Back in a mo...

Ah, that's better.

Well, today I have technically 'finished' my theory/phil reading, though in reality I have picked up these last few books, skim-read them and then thrown them away in disgust. I think I shall hang on to them and if I realise I need them when I am writing up, so be it. But for now, I am *sick to death* of them! NO MORE!! So onto the fieldwork side of things! Hurray!

I am irritable. I feel that these new trousers smell a bit even though I am sure they don't. Still, I have had the thought and so must change again. Back in a mo...

Ok, better now. I have a lot of jeans as I am a strange shape at the mo and keep buying new ones. I am quite the same apart from a big belly and disappearing waistline so my clothes look strange. Oh lordy, these trousers smell too. Think I may be being olfactorily sensitive as have stomped around my house, concluded it is the stinkiest house in the whole world and opened all of the windows.

Well, back in ankle snappers, and with the washing on and windows open I shall try and have calm!

I shall aim to have some lunch and then settle down to some more work. Have done two hours so far, slept in again till half nine so was late starting again. Is worth getting the sleep in though, this baba-growing malarky is exhausting, and when you are solely in the droning company of Habermas, Adorno and Horkheimer and Gramsci it can be a struggle to keep ones eyes open at the best of times... I am pleased though, am on track with my plan and have been working hard. Have a good-looking biblio of about 70 sources I would say for this chapter. I do look forward to thinking less in the clouds and more practically though. Should give me a bit of verve!

I am miffed because I bought the Wire (series four) from a guy on Amazon weeks ago and he never sent it :0( I was ripped off! Today is the deadline for him to have sent it so I want to claim my money back with Amazon and their site is down! Arg. Need to get that done before the weekend or twill bug me.

I am irritable! I shall leave. I expect I need some grubalub - but we don't have any!! Arf. Is always toast I suppose! Ahhh, I know! I shall have a tuna melt! With salad! Hurray!

As a parting shot I would like to add that I have put a whole lb of weight on, and it has clearly all gone on my boobies. ;D And I had a dream last night that I gave birth to Beanie in my ma's new sports car (she doesn't have one) on New Years Eve and DB was sat in the front ignoring us and listening to NDubz on bright yellow headphones. And Beanie wasn't that bothered either upon arriving into this new world, she was more like a very self-assured five year old than a newborn. I was a bit scared of her! And yes, it was a her! I felt quite needy, like I loved Beanie more than she needed/loved me! She was very cool and I was a bit of a needy loser. She would so dump me as soon as she found some cooler adults to hang out with.


x J

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