Monday 4 May 2009

Bank holiday - again

Like buses they are, British bank holidays.

I didn't do any work yesterday in the end - DB and I went to blow my beeday cash in Ikea. On a bank holiday! Normally my worst nightmare! We work from home, why go on a bank holiday weekend?! I tell you why - because I am pregnant. It must come with the hormones. Anyway, it was actually fine and got lots of lovely stuff and my living room is really cosy and grown up looking now (coffee table and everything!) and I feel much more settled. The bedroom is todays task. We got back pretty late yesterday and I spent a while messing with the living room but DB went mental at me and told me to sit down and relax - this is an important week in my pregnancy and he is stressy about me overdoing it. Which is fair enough, I am not really one for sitting around when there is stuff to be done (unless it is uni work of course!) so find it hard to 'put my feet up' when there is a house to be done up!

So my plan today is to fix up the bedroom with the drawers etc, then go for my daily constitutional, then read a couple of essays in this edited volume I am ploughing through... I will probably do that between 3.30 and 6. Then I shall actually chill out for the evening - hopefully DB is going out so I can sprawl on the settee!

Have a big day tomorrow - back to uni to change books again, but also to meet this guy and talk about his fieldwork experiences (ug, hate it, hate it) and then go to a seminar on getting published from 2-4 (hopefully 2-3 but think it is until 4pm). So a full day at uni for me then! It shall be strange and will be interesting to see how tired it makes me! When it is over though I am freeeeee then and no more uni dates until the beginning of June so can just get my head down and work and be pregnant and STUFF.

Oh I did something quite horrible yesterday. I am a bit lacking in spatial awareness since I got preggers, I don't know why... but am aware that I keep nearly falling down holes/into tables etc. Is driving DB a bit nuts, I think he is regretting his choice of incubator for his child. Anyway, yesterday I was busy making our coffee table and had the top of it upturned with all these screws poking out of each corner - and I, obviously, went and skewered my toe on one of them when heading out of the room. How?! HOW?! How did I not know they were there?!!! It didn't hurt actually, but I am aware that the wound has not yet closed properly so, irritatingly, I may yet have to go and get some stitches. I can't be bothered with all that so am holding it closed with a plaster atm. The (un)funny thing is I nearly did it again a bit later. DB was furious!

So there we are. It does start to make completing the PhD more and more unlikely doesn't it?!

x J

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