Wednesday 1 April 2009


Well, so far today has not been brilliant, but not a wash out either.

I have:
* Sat at my desk more than not
* Done some work re: uni journal
* Organised my files and room a bit better
* Found some documents that will help me defer my student loan repayments
* Made some soup that I didn't like because it reminded me too much of India-food but ate it anyway and then made and ate a cheese sandwich for no reason
* Had an argument with DB about the tele schedule tonight: football vs anything else. I came off badly and am yet to apologise which means football will win out with bells on when it could have almost been football and the Apprentice. No Apprentice for Ms grumpy pants now.
* Changed the book I have been trying to get back into with no success for weeks now. Just start an new one afresh methinks, new paper, new slate.

I have not
* Actually written anything other than the reference for the new book, a letter to my dear friend and a mildly entertaining facebook status. And this blog.

I will
* Apologise to DB and hope he is gracious enough to forgive me. I think smeagal-style grovelling and bribing with cups of tea will be needed. Although I didn't really say anything terrible, just had a strop. Who has the tele is sensitive in our house - we need a tele each methinks

* Read some work until half six when I shall give myself a break for the day. And tomorrow me and this book will bond and then I will go to exercise club to humiliate myself and my sore lungs in front of what I hope will be new friends. Woo!

x J

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