Monday 27 April 2009

Big Day

Today is a big day. For one, I am leaving the house; for two I am going into Uni to tell Sup I am, inconveniently, with child.

I am sure that anyone reading this is probably actually doing so from their educational establishment, but I never go to mine! I have been away and grieving and la la la for the last term, then was in India... and before that missed a term planning for India and writing a chapter for my transfer-to-PhD meet. I just don't know how anyone has the time to go in and listen to a reseach group discuss peacemaking amongst aborigines in south western Australia unless it is them doing the talk - and therefore the research. I just don't like wasting my time like that but I also know that being there is all about 'contributing to the research environment'. I go in when it's relevant, when I need to see Sup, when I need to go to the Lib and er... no other reason. The library is actually doing a trial where you can eat and drink in it so *may* start using it more as a place to work. Main reason I never did before is because the idea of sitting for hours with no water or snack is miserable, then having t pack *everything* up just to go to the loo or get a drink... Actually, it is a bad idea, don't go.

So today I have lots of jobs - putting cheques in bank (in my name but actually for DB booo), getting better and more relevant books out of the library (a sign of progress woo!), and seeing my Sup to pick up the manuscript. Am going to play it by ear about whether I spill about my bean today or not - if he is short of time and a bit frazzled then perhaps best to keep schtum and arrange to see him next week or something - ostensibly to talk about work. If he is chilled and asking q's and we are having a relaxed convo then I shall bring it up. I think I am more likely to bring it up than not because he always has time for me and we get on well so don't know why he would want to kick me out asap. Plus, we haven't had a catch up since early March... So I am sure he will want to know how my work is going and my plans in general... Actually I am not completely nervous about it - more looking forward to getting it off my chest and working out how to move forward without India. Then I can really get into the work and also, the pregnancy. Atm I know I am not going to India but am quite worried about how to do my PhD well without it. I know there is a way, just not sure what it is...

Wish me luck!

x J

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