Sunday 26 April 2009


Today, despite it being Sunday and working, is a great day.

I am finding, in my nascent pregnancy, that I am going to bed much earlier and, also strangely, getting up earlier - earlier every day so that this morning I was up and about by 8.10am!! Now, anyone who has read this blog for more than a week would know this is most uncharacteristic of me in my most urgent of working situations - let alone a SUNDAY!! So I am up, have done my web-browsing and am now reviewing a journal article for this fabulously famous journal as a last minute favour for my Sup. He needed it reviewed, I stuck my neck out and have been assured it will be great a) for his favour and b) for my career (yay!), and am going to do it now so it would have been in my hands for less than a day. He will be very happy with me and then I can drop the bombshell on him tomorrow but having proved I am still more than capable of working hard - and on a Sunday at that. And a very sunny Sunday!

I am so happy. Am glowing and happy, no sickness and lovely pinky cheeks (even if I do say so myself). I swear he would know when he saw me anyway; I am surprised people don't come up and go 'Oh my WORD - you have just found out you are going to be a Mum - look how rosy you look!' Better than all those darned face creams (I say now - we shall see tomorrow when I am looking down at the porcelain eh?!!)

Anyway, am off to review this article, then will watch the end of the Wire episode I zonked out in front of last night (it *was* 11.30. Ahhh, on a Saturday night! Poor DB, he probably wonders where is night-owl drinking buddy has got to...), will read the bits of paper I missed yesterday, read about being pregnant again, make some mosh and then try not to give into my enormous desire to sort out the garden asap. (I have no money to sort out any garden. Not even a broom to sweep it with! ;0( - Oh, Oh - I shall go on freecycle that I joined and see what is on there! wooty! I love virtual shopping). Then this avo I shall read Foucault in the garden and make a roast dinner using the leftover chicken for Friday night. Ahhhhhhhh...
Have a lovely Sunday all!

x J

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