Wednesday 29 April 2009


I am doing the conference - I have found out already (lecturer in my Dept seems to be organising it) and I in some fairly intimidating company looking at the panels! It is also in October so that's ok - miles away and will be visibly pregnant so no one can be mean to me ;0)

Also, I realised I haven't been really lazy today, I have been busy doing 'bitty' stuff like organising meetings and emailing about this article which does mean I have had time to be on facebook too, but not so much time to do 'reading' work. So I am not so bad.

DB is very proud of me for doing my first conference. In normal life we would get drunk now! So what do I do instead?! Allow myself to watch tv without feeling like a big ol' slacker that's what - cause it's only 5pm.

I am sincerely terrifed about this conference already. I re-read my abstract along with everyone elses (professors here, senior lecturers there) and swear it reads like a child wrote it compared to everyone else. And I imagine they think a child DID write it, for 'tis not original! Tis the work of a monkey!

Eeek! Walk away from the computer, away from the computer.

Till tomorrow!

x J

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