Thursday 30 April 2009

Sleepy but accomplished lots!

Worked so hard today, probably did about five hours of complete work which is pretty good I reckon!

Read about five essays and so tomorrow I only have a couple more to read in this edited book then can start on another... which is fantastic because I was going to work on Saturday if I hadn't started a new book by then; I have so much to do for Tuesday! It is such a relief to a) have a deadline and b) to take it seriously and fel pressure and work hard for it. Brilliant.

Found out today too that the panel at the conference today is apparently 'very strong' (not anything to do with me - more the esteemed company of very famous professors I am with!) and so they may produce an edited volume, with contributions from presenters (me!) and other peeps afterwards. So really am very likely to get published! Brilliant, brilliant.

Hmm am sleepy. Am going to make some comfort food for dins (fish, chips and beans!) and basically do very, very little.

Oh, also a lecturer lady at uni who I have a very good email relationship with lives just up the road and has suggested we meet up for a drink sometime. This is great, I reckon we would really get on - sadly though it would have to be coffee and a piece of cake! Secretly though I am completely relieved to have a reason not to drink - the hangovers were just too awful. Anyway, it will be very nice to hopefully make a friend - and a Uni friend at that who has a sense of humour. About bleedin' time!

Oh! Its a bank holiday this weekend! Arses, I am working. :0(

x J

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