Tuesday 14 April 2009


Yesterday, I had a brainwave!

I realised that I should stop trying to funnel myself into one part of work/author etc and should open up and do whatever feels good. At the moment an eclectic mix of theory, practical fieldwork methods and development texts seems best! And so I shall go to the Uni lib tomorrow and get a mixture of books. They are all to do with my methodology chapter, but are a mix instead of having a focus on theory for a month, then fieldwork methods etc. I am so worried about going back to India and not being able to do the work - not wanting to do the work - that reading a bit about how to do fieldwork for my work would be invaluable for my nerves and imagination and also will tie into my understanding of my theoretical lens etc. This makes my work much more interesting again, and much less of an academic chore.


Today I am drinking water, detoxing (from copious amounts of snacks and chocolate), reading and going for a run. I think - I actually feel very tired today and may just do the healthy eating thing to start with. One step at a time!

x J

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