Friday 3 April 2009


... and beer gardens everywhere, but not a drop to drink...

I know! And it is Friday, I have done a good days work and tomorrow is saturday and it is sunny and actually warm and apparently the beer gardens are full of people making merry. And what am I doing? Telling DB we are *not* going out, instead I am reading habermas in my sunny room and thinking I cannot go out to a pub because tomorrow I have exercise club and four more hours of work to do. Not least another hour tonight.

It is crazy how strong the lure of booze and sun is! I am a moth drawn to the flame. But then I am not actually, because I am being good and staying at home to work. I have partied way too much recently, and where there is an up there also has to be some part of a down, and I can ameliorate this by buying a choccy bar or something to cheer myself up.

So there, I shall get fat and merry slumped in front of a tv, instead of drunk and merry.

I have also been reading and thinking and my reading list is getting larger and larger, and more disciplines are being added and I am starting to stress about having to do interviews and of things I haven't yet considered. I cannot possibly read/do it all in the time I have left to do this PhD. I am freaking out but then am trying to stop that, for 'tis pointless, and realise that as the time comes those books will indeed be picked up and read. One (or two) at a time. I hope! No. Do Not Panic. I should think instead that it is good that these realisations have come to me, for it is evidence of increased awareness and intelligence about my topic, rather than burying my head in the sand and failing my first submission.

But, ah, the sand is so comforting and snuggly! I will take the sand please.

x J

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