Sunday 26 April 2009


Everything is ok. Deep breath. woooo.

Have been super busy today and just realised I am not any more... Phew! Well, I have some dinner to make - veggie soup or sommat equally healthy!

Today I reviewed that article, finished that about 11... tidied the house a *lot*, organised lots of expenses and found reciepts etc for uni (for ESRC funding - totally spoilt I know) and did lots of work trying to work out how not to go to India - then realised it was fairly futile until I had spoken to Sup. I am sure he will know more than me and together we can work it out - just having ideas will do for now. Now is not the time for trying to produce real plans.

Then I realised I was going nuts so we went out for a cup of tea (would have been cider in the olden days - i.e. a week ago...), did more organising for tomorrow, finding books to take to the library and organising my reading list, found a gym to join to keep us healthy, and am now writing this.

Lots of work! Am quite stressy today and probably a bit of a bossy nightmare to be around. Is very annoying but I just can't help it! Now I am doing my favourite thing - vegging with the internet in front of a marathon of come dine with me... Didn't get to do any reading outside because a) too busy and b) sun disappeared. Boooooo.

Hope your weekends were lovely!
x J

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