Friday 24 April 2009

What a good day!

Shame is there is still so much to do! It is so frustrating when you have a good day of work but all you see around you is more and more and still you know nothing...

I didn't manage to read as much as I hoped because I totally forgot I had offered to review an article for the journal my Uni hosts! Took all morning doing that - it looked so promising so I thought 'Oh! how easy, lovely' and then realised the author had missed a whole swathe of literature that would have given their arguments some nous and thoughtful justification. So that was annoying as had to read it rather hard and make my comments worthwhile. Good article on the whole though. Is good doing things like that, gets me out of my headspace and sometimes, just sometimes, makes me feel like I may actually be learning something in all these years!!

I then finished the book that has been the Book of Forever, and started a new, small easy read one of Foucault's which is proving to be very inspirational, methodology-wise. I am trying to re-jig my PhD at the mo too to maybe try and cut out another trip to India. I am not sure how to do this or even if it is at *all* posible. I shall go to my Sup on Mon and confess, and then tell him that I can go for 6 weeks tops and do a whirlwind survey-style research, or stay back at home and do a more theoretical style piece, though how to do without any voices of aid-recipients will take some imagination. Which is where, hopefully, the learned brain of my Sup comes in! Ahhh, poor sup - he probably thinks I am all sorted. But no :0( I hope he isn't too cross.

Tomorrow I am going to try and take the day off. Well, actually, I am going to try not to feel too guilty taking the day off. I think I shall work if I want to - this book I have is pretty easy going and really, actually, interesting. But however interesting it is, it is still always work!! Sun I shall defo do some reading and Monday morn I shall fret and try and read and work out what on earth I may know now that I didn't last time I saw my Sup. I have to keep remembering though that actually this is not a scheduled meeting but for me to go and pick up a manuscript. Maybe it won't even be appropriate for me to drop my bombshell then! He may be in the middle of a meeting! I forget this, silly me. Well, having more time to work out plans B and C won't be a bad thing! But if he asks me q's and we are sat down, I shall spill.

I reckon I shall actually have this chapter done by the middle of May. I shall read for one more month, then write up my ideas. I think that should suffice. Especially now I am actually working and not being hungover all the time ;0P Only 6 weeks late then.

I am roasting a chicken. Being with child makes one completely starving. It is very hard not to put on weight (says I, of three whole days of knowing. Although the hunger is what made me suspicious!) so I have bought low fat stuff and loads of food to make at home instead of getting lovely, buttery, fried or sugary stuff out... Arg. Other than that I have been *loving* being pregnant today! Haven't been so tired as yesterday, or so emotional. Yesterday I cried in co-op because DB said I didn't ought to eat a sausage roll because I had fish and chips the night before, and I got upset because I thought wanting a sausage roll when I shouldn't was indicative of my future skills as a mum: seriously lacking. Today though I have been a very worky happy chappy.

Have good weekends all!

x J

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