Saturday 4 April 2009


Ah it is Saturday and I am working! I am reading away and listening to Adele on my laptop, a change from Radio 1 because the moron that goes by the monkier of Nihal is spraffing away on it and offending my superior, PhD studying ears. Haha.

Thankfully it is a grotty day outside. I stuck to my guns and stayed in last night! Well done me - DB was properly sulking and whining as well. And today I have no hangover and am so happy and full of beans! Well, sausage sandwich actually.

I do have a confession though - I did not make it to exercise club this morning. I find it hard enough to get up on weekdays let alone a saturday - my most favourite morning of the week. So, for now, I think I will sign up for the week sessions (two) and on the weekend go for a long run with my Mp3 player along the canal. Yup-up. I just love saturday lie ins, the paper, and lazy breakfast with copious amounts of earl grey tea. And I tidy the house and then, as of today, I work all afternoon until the wonder-marathon that is hours of 'Come Dine With Me' is on at 4pm... then after that I go for a run - or I will go tomorrow. I am not working tomorrow (I don't think, I may do a bit) so that would be quite fair. Work today, exercise tomorrow...

Am currently reading for chapter three - the methodology and the theory behind my ideas, and am actually learning things as well as being totally bored. Woo! I hate the beginning of this type of reading, when all the vocab and ideas are new and you feel a bit like you get it and also a bit confused, and not sure whether the bit that you get will see you through to full comprehension or whether you should be working harder to understand now. I think I shall pretend I get it and hope it will click. I think I will do this for an hour and then I may read some political reports for primary research. This will make me feel quite on top of things. I am still very freaked out by how vast my knowledge will have to be by this time next year compared to now, and have not the insight or intelligence to calm myself down. So, for the moment, I intend to read my way out of it and see what happens.

x J

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