Monday 6 August 2012


Well, so far today has not gone that well.

I got up late, then faffed a bit before starting work, then had an argument on the phone with DB, then had a text from my friend saying I should go over when I am free and see her newborn baby.

I decided not to see newborn baby, faffed on the internet all huffy after arguing with DB and feeling generally lonely and crap.  Then decided to get out and see my friend, shake off my bad mood and buy some snaffles anyway :)  Put the morning down to experience.  Had a good catch up (very rare we get to hang out with no toddlers!) and cuppa tea and newborn cuddles (aw) and came home!  Made some lunch which I just scoffed, started to work and then got wind that the gymnastics was on tele...  and I only have copy typing to do for a bit...  so have decamped downstairs to work in front of the tele.

Am feeling slightly sorry for myself today and not that motivated.  I will work, however, just in a different way for today.  10 minutes at a time...

We shall see how it goes!

x J

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