Wednesday 29 August 2012

Rage Dissipated

I finished draft one of the chapter.

I would say hurrah but I still have to go through it and read it to see if it makes sense and it has taken me half an hour to read two pages :(  It will never, ever end!  I cannot believe there was a day when i would write an essay and then hand it in, no editing, no checking, nothing.  Now I cannot hand in anything without having proof-read and edited it about 7 times.  Each time is a killer.

I am happy though, I can tell because even though I never smile any more my shoulders did relax and I didn't shout at Bean.  (only kidding, I don't really do shouting.  much.)

I will carry on reading through this chapter until 10pm.  Then I shall watch tv and go to bed too late.  Tomorrow I am back working again (yayayaya) and would like to be doing my methodology but something tells me I might not be that lucky.

we go on holliday two weeks tomorrow!  Am so excited but have so much to achieve by then too.

I am back to Uni proper on 31 August!  My sick leave will have ended.  Sup will be able to contact me!  eek!  I want to send him my lit review on that day to show I have been up to mischief while sicketty sick sick. 

x J


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