Saturday 4 August 2012


Ah ha I am working :)

My family went off to the South yesteryday at about half four, and though I felt I should I decided not to try and do any work and had a beer and watched the Olympics instead!  Working would have meant no days off in over a week and that would not be a clever tactic for motivation!

So I got up this morning and worked straight away.  Well, I fed and cleaned up after the cat but other than that, came straight up for my first ten mins, then plpanned to get a coffee and some toast, then do another ten mins etc etc.  But I ended up doing an hour!  I did some good editing and adding and have added 300 words.  It is coming along.

I am now going to get said cup of coffee and going to ring my family and say good morning to my darling boys.  Then I shall do another ten mins, then plan to have a shower and get dressed and go to the shop for the saturday paper and some lunch and LOTS of crisps and chocolate :) 

Then I aim to just keep doing 10 min sessions until 6pm.

I feel very pleased so far but also am very conscious of not wanting to count my chickens etc etc.  I am only as good as my next ten minute session!

It is so important that I work because I am missing my neice-in-law's 'being born bbq' today to do this.  I am gutted, really very sad to be missing it - I am the only family member out of both families not going.  What a total asshole.  But I know that as it stands I cannot take four days off from my work, then come back and face two weeks off (as the childminder is away) and even hope to get this PhD done.  I need to work NOW, I need to keep on going.  And so I had to pull out :(  I must make this time count - which thankfully, it is and so I am justified but...  Man, finishing a PhD really does have to take over your life.

x J

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