Thursday 2 August 2012

Working Again!

Arf I am working again today :) 

However, my concentration and willpower are weakening!  I will do another ten mins after this.  I have done one stint of 25 mins and another of 13.  I am finding it hard to get back to do another stint though, I keep wandering off :)  I have to tell myself that this is ok though, that one 10 mins should be ok.

I have written about 200 words so far. 

I think I will have tomorrow off.  Well, I might do two sessions of 10 mins.  Then I will stop and mooch, because DB and Bean are off to the South tomorrow lunchtime and then I will have all of sat, sun, mon and tues to work - which is a long time and I could do with a small recharge of the batteries I think!  However, I don't want to lose momentum or enthusiasm so will do some after they go (if they really do go at lunchtime, I am skeptical).

x J

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