Monday 13 August 2012

Tired but Still Here

Arf I am tired, my brain is fogging over :(

I guess a day with the toddler has taken its toll...  am sure when I leave my desk though my energy will return, magically! 

I started work at half six, after a brief hello to Husband dear, so have been at it for nearly two hours.  It has been a struggle, but thanks to my lovely ten minutes system I have still worked,  if I didn't work this way there is no way I would have done any work tonight.  Even when I am at my least motivated or energetic, I can still manage just one teeny weeny ten minutes.  And once I have done that one the next one doesn't seem so bad, and the next one is pretty easy.  I can always do just one set of ten minutes, and even if it means I keep having breaks all the time to scour the internet and be silly, I still sit back down for another ten mins until my time is filled.  *And* I have done over 500 words today.  In fact today I have worked a total of an hour and a half which is great for such a tired day.

I will do one more set of ten mins and then my time will probably be up as I have yet to cuddle Bean before he goes to sleep.  Then I shall slope downstairs and rest! 

This section is proving to be slow going.  Grrr.  I have the sources but haven't looked at them for years!  I did the chapter they pertain to years ago (sounds funny doesn't it) and haven't needed to look at them since.  Some are from before we went to India to do the research...  Gosh, 2008ish!  But they are great now, but I need to actually read them to get the info from them which is time consuming and pretty dull.  Old reports I know I have read and do kind of remember and I HATE reading reports!  Anyway, this is the nature of working I guess, and the wordcount for this section is looking passable already and still have a bit more to do.

Anyway, better go, turns out now is cuddle time!

x J

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