Monday 1 September 2008


I have worked pretty well today! I never normally concentrate that well on Mondays but today was a good day of work. I am nearly, nearly there... I said that I would stop at half six but half six came around and I was keen to carry on... but also hungry and my concentration was fading so I thought best to save the enthusiasim for tomorrow.

Ahh tomorrow. I am working super hard tomorrow and going to the gym for some careful exercise that hopefully won't injure me any more! I have been invited to my friend's on Friday for a glass of wine and so she can teach me to make bread - I am sooooo keen to make my own but rubbish at it and apparently she is a Master! So that gives me something to aim for. Well, DB is coming abck on Thurs apparently so that will be my aim. I reckon if I work hard tomorrow and get this part done, and then get the outline and gist of the next bit, I should be pretty done by this weekend. Which would be GREAT. I am sick of this and really need to move on!

Speaking of which, no flight money still. This makes me sad. :(. Hopefully tomorrow...

I am making sausage casserole/soup type thing for tea! is mainly an excuse to eat a lot of veggies with the treat of the odd bit of sausage thrown in... (cheap thrills)

Well. This evening I am bidding on a pair of sandals on ebay and chilling out my brain... Onwards for tomorrow!

x J

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