Thursday 25 September 2008

Renting stress

Ahhh! I wish I didn't rent! I have a pathological mistrust of estate agencies which sadly keeps being proved worthwhile. Especially when they have hundreds of my fine pounds...

I had a letter from the estate agents saying that we are moving out on the 23rd and that they expect us to have painted over every mark on the walls - but not the mark, no - then they will have to paint the entire wall and charge us - no, we should *paint the whole wall*. And we should clean all carpets or if there is need for the 'slightest clean' they will charge us a minimum of £50. It is totally bizarre - we have lived here for over two years, how on earth is our house not without some scuffing or wear and tear or the odd hole from a painting?! I am a very tidy person and have looked after this house and still there are marks in the porch from bags or shoes, and the carpets have staining on from god knows where - it's life isn't it? I would clean it all with some paint and with carpet spray stuff but within reason?! They would surely need to deep clean the place anyway for new tenants - I can't leave it then they move straight in, that's gross. I have got some cillet bang. Hopefully that will sort 'em out. I am not painting a whole wall though! I shall get a sample pot of magnolia and paint over the odd hole. Otherwise they may as well ask me to paint the whole house and deep clean all the carpets for free! that is NOT what a deposit is for! So they never have to clean their houses?!! It is so I don't steal things or wreck the joint. Not for everyday wear and tear Mister.

To make it even more annoying, when we moved in we drove with a massive van full of our whole life from the South in baking sun and arrived to be told the house was a filthy mess! We had to move in as it was and they painted a couple of particularly scraggy walls and cleaned the living room carpet, and I cleaned the rest (they paid me £50 to do it - an entire house of someone elses filth. I felt ill). I am not a professional cleaner. We had an understanding that we will live here still even though our new home was effectively someone elses for months until we cleaned away their smelly dog smell and coffee stains etc, and when we left we couldn't be expected to give them back a house that was tidier than when we arrived. But no, apparently we can. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! I think they should pay ME for them clean it!! There is no doubt right now it is tidier. And if they are going to charge us labour and materials and whatever to fix a few reasonable scuffs etc then maybe I shan't clean at all and just pay them as it woud cost me hundreds anyway. And the plumbers have left mess and the kitchen is knackered because it is literally rotting away and falling apart. What if we get charged?! I will be FUMING!!

I am quite upset, probably because I have been dreading all of this anyway. Wrangling over my money with tightfisted opportunists does not please me. When did we stop being reasonable human beings and start counting money instead? Has no one seen a christmas carol?!!!


I have done some work today though! Not this afternoon too much - I have been working out my letter to Them explaining everything but still being friendly (hard) so they don't hate me and keep all my money anyway. I want to know where I stand so I can fight the thieving bug*ers.

Er yes, work. Wrote out a lot of stuff that I do already know but have been too lazy to commit to paper. Is written very badly but with some reading it will get better. I just have a ton of reading to get through! Must start - will do a bit now I think.

I got all disoreintated because their is a birdie tweeting outside and it is quite mild, and there is a biplane noise in the background. A bit like spring. But no, it's october. Hehe, no it's september. ?!

My mate's pub opening tonight! OOOOOH! I wish I could go... :(

Hasta manana

x J

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