Monday 1 September 2008


Arg it's Monday?! I am very confused! I slept really hard after a restless weekend and this morning woke up very sleepy and befuddled. Is it definitely Monday? I have the radio on to try and 'earth' myself... !

Today is a big day! I have to buy my flight tickets today! Woo! This means I need to get on the Phone and I don't like the phone. This is silly, I shall get it over with asap.

I need to pop to the PO later

Need to pay bills.

I shall to the bills onine now, then get the tix at some point and then go to the PO around 2pm. Go for a nice walk. I have damaged my insides somehow running and couldn't go for any running over the weekend... Am resting. Is rubbish! I did walk about 7 odd miles with my friend who came over on Saturday though, so have been out and about and keeping a level of fitness up. I find it interesting that I can jog 6 miles and be fine, but go for a 7 mile walk and be sore the next day...!

I have to get back into me chapter too. I did a very good job of ignoring it over the weekend and am finding it hard to bring back to the front of my mind again! Must work hard on it today. I hate the 'getting back into it' stage! That icky feeling of dread. But hopefully I will look at it and it will be ACE and I will be very pleased...

Or will I...

x J

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